40. Lin, J.-L.; Cao, Z.; Bai, X.; Chen, N.; Li, C.; Xiao, X.; Wang, L.; Li, Y. Molecular Diodes With Tunable Threshold Voltage Based on π-Extended Tetrathiafulvalene. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2022, 9 (27), 2201238.
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Previous:41. Peng, W.; Cao, Z.; Chen, N.; Xie, Y.; Li, Y. Dependence of Thermoelectric Effects in Molecular Junctions on the Topography of the Bottom Electrodes. J. Mater. Chem. A 2022, 10 (43), 23304–23313.
Next:39. Li, Y.; Wang, D.; Peng, W.; Jiang, L.; Yu, X.; Thompson, D.; Nijhuis, C. A. Large Cooperative Effects in Tunneling Rates across van Der Waals Coupled Binary Self-Assembled Monolayers. Nano Today 2022, 44, 101497.
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