45. Xie, Y.; Wang, C.-Y.; Chen, N.; Cao, Z.; Wu, G.; Yin, B.; Li, Y. Supramolecular Memristor Based on Bistable [2]Catenanes: Toward High-Density and Non-Volatile Memory Devices. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62 (42), e202309605.
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Previous:46. Yang, Z.; Cazade, P.-A.; Lin, J.-L.; Cao, Z.; Chen, N.; Zhang, D.; Duan, L.; Nijhuis, C. A.; Thompson, D.; Li, Y. High Performance Mechano-Optoelectronic Molecular Switch. Nat Commun 2023, 14 (1), 5639.
Next:44. Bai, X.; Li, P.; Peng, W.; Chen, N.; Lin, J.-L.; Li, Y. Ionogel-Electrode for the Study of Protein Tunnel Junctions under Physiologically Relevant Conditions. Advanced Materials 2023, 35 (26), 2300663.
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